Saving you time, money and effort by doing it right If you do not maintain . . . you will complain
The complete guide to stress-free and effective maintenance for your properties
For the first time ever in South Africa, you now have a complete maintenance program for properties. Marisia Robus brings you this extensive program which will enable you to expand the life of your property and increase its value.
- Whether you have one property or a portfolio of note, this program is for you
- Whether you are a builder or a DIY person, there are things in this program that you need to know.
There is no better method than this program to:
- Make property work for you, rather than you work for the property.
- Maintain your asset, through this program, because it has practical easy steps to take
Marisia has spent the last 20 years fixing mistakes, trying out new products and unlocking all the long-time secrets so that you can benefit from all of her wisdom as opposed to only the guy at the hardware store.
These strategies have been passed on from her father and she is now passing them on to you, there is no other book or online material available that can share with you in the shortest amount of time how to fix, repair, replace or maintain your property.
ENROLLING in this program will give you LIFETIME access to all the content and future updates, which will be especially valuable as regulations change.
The program includes over 30 hours of content, but you can easily navigate to the specific topics you need help with and find the information you need in as little as 15 minutes.
Marisia has documented many mistakes that people make in maintaining their properties, and she will show you how to avoid them. She provides checklists that you can print out or view on your phone to ensure that you don’t overlook anything important.
With these resources, you’ll know exactly what materials you need to maintain and repair your property, leading to higher rental income and greater profits when you eventually sell.
You don’t have to pay more, it is there.
You will know what you need in the way of material with the checklists so that you can fix and preserve your property, so that not only will you enjoy the benefits of your property and higher rental income of well-maintained properties, but you will also enjoy the profits when you one day sell your property.
Where else can you save money on costly repairs by following just a few of the tricks in this program?
More and more people invest in property and it is important to make your property stand out to future tenants amongst all the others on offer. The best way to do that is by offering a well-maintained property.
By following the tricks and tips in this program, you can save money on costly repairs and make your property stand out to potential tenants.
For example, one of the easiest elements to maintain but often overlooked are gutters, which can cause significant damage if not attended to. By checking out the gutters section of the course, you can avoid this mistake for free.
ENROL now and you will get LIFETIME access to the course and all future updates.
Marisia Robus
Marisia Robus is the owner of Gauteng Property Inspections. She is a NABISA Certified Master Inspector (National Association of Building Inspectors of SA) and an executive director of NABISA. She is one of only 40 ITC Certified Roof Inspectors (Institute of Timber Construction) as well as an asbestos inspector. She is the only property inspector in South Africa with those credentials and the only female property and roof inspector in the country.
She has 12 years of construction experience with her father in their construction company and more than 10 years of property inspection experience.
When she started at the construction company, she went to the site every day and was taught by her father about all aspects of construction, from setting out to finishing. That is why she knows what happened behind the defect; be it a crack or damp, and why she can accurately advise on how to repair, not patch it.
Marisia has done 1 000’s of inspections, including maintenance inspections and 10-year maintenance plans for numerous sectional title complexes, commercial and industrial properties, pre-purchase and maintenance inspections for houses and due diligence inspections for property investors of houses, commercial and residential properties.
She is a visiting lecturer at UJ. She lectures the final year School of the Building Science University of Johannesburg students on maintenance, explaining maintenance and guiding them on how to do maintenance inspections. She was also asked to lecture 4th Year Honours students in Construction Management, on National Building Regulations and NHBRC Guidelines.
During the last 10+ years of doing inspections, many for property investors who always buy the properties that look the worst, she realised that homeowners don’t do regular maintenance because they don’t know how and when to do maintenance. They also don’t know which products to use and regularly use the wrong product for the job. She is constantly giving maintenance guidance in her inspection reports.
After numerous requests, she decided to do a video program, which will make it easier for homeowners to understand and follow.
Rising damp is due to a construction error and very expensive to repair
Yes, these cracks are serious
This damage to the sprocket is serious and will be expensive to repair. Regular maintenance would have prevented this
This door could have been saved with the correct maintenance, which would have cost R150 per year
More than 30 hours of videos covering:
Paving – What causes paving to lift and sag and why is it necessary to attend to it
Trees & garden – When the garden is neatly trimmed, it creates a sense of calm and it doesn’t do damage to your house
Chimney – Regular maintenance and inspections are needed
Carports – Must be kept clean at all times
Insects – Can cause a lot of serious damage
Boundary walls – Can be dangerous if not built according to regulations
Gutters – It is much cheaper to clean them than to replace them Public preview here
Stormwater – Make provision for that once-a-year severe storm
Windows and Windowsills – Water ingress can cause damage inside
Steel work – Correct maintenance is critical
Parapet walls – If regular maintenance is not done, repairs can be very expensive
Damp – Very serious and very expensive to repair
Cracks – There are 15 different types of cracks
Fascia’s, bargeboards and eaves – Can create a poor impression if not maintained
Roof covering – Roof leaks can be prevented
Roof: Valleys, ridges and verges – Regular maintenance is required
Roof: Exposed timber – Borer insects can bring your roof down
Roof: Trusses – Don’t forget about these
Asbestos – Is a health risk
Bathrooms – If regular maintenance is not done, it can become a health risk
Build-in-cupboards (BIC’s) – If you neglect maintenance, you will have to replace doors and shelves
Ceilings and cornice – Can indicate roof problems
Doors – Maintenance is key to the longevity of doors
Kitchens – A lot of water and steam can cause damage
Floors – Need more than cleaning
Geyser – Replacing a small component can prevent the geyser from bursting
Skirting – Check them for damp damage and termites
Stairs – Safety risk lurking in your home
Once-off purchase for lifetime access for R6 500
Once you have purchased the program, you will receive a notification when it is ready with a coupon to login and start the program